Associations to the word «Accede»


ACCEDE, verb. (archaic) (intransitive) To approach; to arrive, to come forward. [15th-19th c.]
ACCEDE, verb. (intransitive) (now rare) To give one's adhesion; to join up with (a group, etc.); to become part of. [from 15th c.]
ACCEDE, verb. (intransitive) To agree or assent to a proposal or a view; to give way. [from 16th c.]
ACCEDE, verb. (intransitive) To come to an office, state or dignity; to attain, assume (a position). [from 18th c.]
ACCEDE, verb. (intransitive) To become a party to an agreement or a treaty.

Dictionary definition

ACCEDE, verb. Yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure".
ACCEDE, verb. Take on duties or office; "accede to the throne".
ACCEDE, verb. To agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore".

Wise words

The pen is mightier than the sword.
Edward George Bulwer-Lytton