Associations to the word «Probe»
- Fret
- Fiber
- Chromosome
- Optic
- Voltage
- Dipole
- Forefinger
- Fabrication
- Niall
- Antenna
- Thermometer
- Emission
- Clone
- Crustacean
- Wound
- Wilkinson
- Buttock
- Plasma
- Psi
- Tongue
- Weakness
- Peptide
- Monitoring
- Perimeter
- Saturation
- Radar
- Isotope
- Atmosphere
- Measuring
- Neumann
- Surveyor
- Ion
- Visualization
- Recess
- Cloning
- Polymer
- Tubing
- Methane
- Sequence
- Throughput
- Bonding
- Target
- Malfunction
- Silicon
- Aperture
- Genome
- Satellite
- Annihilation
- Conformation
- Propulsion
- Ulysses
- Planet
- Launch
- Mazda
- Gamma
- Garion
- Fingernail
- Headlight
- Sonar
- Neptune
- Transmitting
- Micro
- Epoch
- Spaceship
- Spectrum
- Digging
- Experiment
- Needle
Pictures for the word «Probe»
PROBE, noun. (surgery) Any of various medical instruments used to explore wounds, organs, etc. [from 15th c.]
PROBE, noun. (figuratively) Something which penetrates something else, as though to explore; something which obtains information. [from 17th c.]
PROBE, noun. An act of probing; a prod, a poke. [from 19th c.]
PROBE, noun. (figuratively) An investigation or inquiry. [from 20th c.]
PROBE, noun. (aeronautics) A tube attached to an aircraft which can be fitted into the drogue from a tanker aircraft to allow for aerial refuelling. [from 20th c.]
PROBE, noun. (sciences) A small device, especially an electrode, used to explore, investigate or measure something by penetrating or being placed in it. [from 20th c.]
PROBE, noun. (astronautics) A small, usually unmanned, spacecraft used to acquire information or measurements about its surroundings. [from 20th c.]
PROBE, noun. (game of go) a move with multiple answers seeking to make the opponent choose and commit to a strategy
PROBE, noun. (biochemistry) Any group of atoms or molecules radioactively labeled in order to study a given molecule or other structure
PROBE, verb. (transitive) (intransitive) To explore, investigate, or question
PROBE, verb. (transitive) To insert a probe into.
PROBE, proper noun. A model of Ford automobile
Dictionary definition
PROBE, noun. An inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; "there was a congressional probe into the scandal".
PROBE, noun. A flexible slender surgical instrument with a blunt end that is used to explore wounds or body cavities.
PROBE, noun. An exploratory action or expedition.
PROBE, noun. An investigation conducted using a flexible surgical instrument to explore an injury or a body cavity.
PROBE, verb. Question or examine thoroughly and closely.
PROBE, verb. Examine physically with or as if with a probe; "probe an anthill".
Wise words
The chief difference between words and deeds is that words
are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds
can be done only for God.