Associations to the word «Principal»
- Yeshiva
- Bundle
- Moderator
- Reverend
- Pantomime
- Glasgow
- Calcutta
- Facade
- Inertia
- Guidance
- Curate
- Dean
- Supervisor
- Academic
- Mbe
- Scala
- Obe
- Kala
- Sugarcane
- High
- Export
- Colombo
- Madras
- Dormitory
- Millet
- Choreographer
- Gymnasium
- Edinburgh
- Benefactor
- Kindergarten
- Prasad
- Liability
- Bassoon
- Broker
- Geraldine
- Firm
- Coordinator
- Incentive
- Warden
- Andrews
- Interest
- Grade
- Maize
- Emmett
- Deity
- Dd
- Component
- Organizer
- Consecration
- Matron
- Trustee
- Student
- Vicar
- Accountability
- Chaplain
- Tense
- Professor
- Filming
- Loan
- Metropolitan
- Academy
- Beneficiary
- Secretary
- Residence
- Faculty
- Karachi
- Oxford
- Authentication
- Staff
- Sponsor
- Debra
- Supervision
- Variance
- Portico
- Rabbi
- Exponent
PRINCIPAL, adjective. Primary; most important.
PRINCIPAL, adjective. (obsolete) (Latinism) Of or relating to a prince; princely.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (finance) (uncountable) The money originally invested or loaned, on which basis interest and returns are calculated.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (North America) (Australia) (New Zealand) The chief administrator of a school.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (UK) (Scotland) (Canada) The chief executive and chief academic officer of a university or college.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (legal) One who directs another (the agent) to act on one′s behalf.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (legal) The primary participant in a crime.
PRINCIPAL, noun. A company represented by a salesperson.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (North America) A partner or owner of a business.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (music) A diapason, a type of organ stop on a pipe organ.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (architecture) (engineering) The construction that gives shape and strength to a roof, generally a truss of timber or iron; or, loosely, the most important member of a piece of framing.
PRINCIPAL, noun. The first two long feathers of a hawk's wing.
PRINCIPAL, noun. One of the turrets or pinnacles of waxwork and tapers with which the posts and centre of a funeral hearse were formerly crowned.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (obsolete) An essential point or rule; a principle.
PRINCIPAL, noun. A dancer at the highest rank within a professional dance company, particularly a ballet company.
PRINCIPAL IDEAL, noun. (algebra) An ideal which is generated by a single element of the ring.
PRINCIPAL IDEAL DOMAIN, noun. (algebra) An integral domain in which every ideal is a principal ideal.
PRINCIPAL IDEAL RING, noun. (algebra) (ring theory) A commutative ring in which every ideal is a principal ideal.
PRINCIPAL IDEAL RING, noun. (algebra) (ring theory) A noncommutative ring in which every left ideal is a principal ideal and so is every right ideal.
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, noun. (science) lead researcher on a grant-funded project
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS, noun. Plural of principal investigator
PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY, noun. (cinematography) The phase of film production during which the film is actually shot, as distinct from pre-production and post-production.
PRINCIPAL QUANTUM NUMBER, noun. (physics) The quantum number (of an atomic orbital) that specifies the energy of an electron in an atom and, hence, which shell it occupies
PRINCIPAL ULTRAFILTER, noun. (mathematics) An ultrafilter such that every set belonging to it is the superset of some fixed singleton set.
Dictionary definition
PRINCIPAL, noun. The original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated.
PRINCIPAL, noun. The educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal".
PRINCIPAL, noun. An actor who plays a principal role.
PRINCIPAL, noun. Capital as contrasted with the income derived from it.
PRINCIPAL, noun. (criminal law) any person involved in a criminal offense, regardless of whether the person profits from such involvement.
PRINCIPAL, noun. The major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account.
PRINCIPAL, adjective. Most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets"; "the master bedroom"; "a master switch".
Wise words
Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say
"infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no
word left when you want to talk about something really