Associations to the word «Patio»
- Attire
- Ate
- Ore
- Cement
- Apartment
- Wall
- Pavement
- Ramon
- Che
- Breakfast
- Blouse
- Soda
- Hotel
- Classroom
- Outside
- Pickering
- Fence
- Altar
- Shopping
- Locker
- Corona
- Square
- Sculpture
- Alley
- Convent
- Facing
- Tommy
- Parking
- Naomi
- Alison
- Rug
- Mansion
- Mexican
- Ledge
- Becker
- Annex
- Fitness
- Tucker
- Ramp
- Furnishing
- Baroque
- Palace
- Yard
- Gould
- Gust
- Complex
- House
- Los
- Shower
- Amor
- Dormitory
- Structure
- Statue
- Inside
- Gateway
- Shop
- Residence
- Tree
- Blackness
- Space
- Aluminium
PATIO, noun. A paved outside area, adjoining a house, used for dining or recreation.
PATIO, noun. An inner courtyard typical of traditional Spanish houses.
PATIO CHAIR, noun. A seat that can fold up for moving around.
PATIO DOOR, noun. A sliding door, usually made of glass, that opens onto a patio, deck or garden.
PATIO DOORS, noun. Plural of patio door
Dictionary definition
PATIO, noun. Usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence.
Wise words
The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of because words
diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem
timeless when they are in your head to no more than living
size when they are brought out.