Associations to the word «Oates»
- Daryl
- Titus
- Carol
- Bowers
- Burns
- Emmett
- Sledge
- Atkinson
- Pony
- Informer
- Warren
- Gran
- Antarctica
- Hall
- Adam
- Jesuit
- Elton
- Ellison
- Sara
- Duo
- Bart
- Jackie
- Godfrey
- Gone
- Oriole
- Blonde
- Patti
- Kendrick
- Toni
- Lyle
- Barnsley
- Cherry
- Plot
- Bower
- Eugene
- Simmons
- Lyons
- Blizzard
- Evans
- Bruin
- Johnny
- Stevie
- Burt
- Neill
- Nicholson
- Scott
- Pooh
- Novella
- Murdoch
- Wonderland
- Edgar
- Herder
- Sexton
- Dragoon
- Dreams
- Travis
- Debbie
- Naomi
- Fleetwood
- Ron
- Moran
- Morrison
- Brett
- Oat
- Princeton
- Allan
- Seaman
- Obsession
- Marge
- Kate
- Bowie
- Bronco
- Treason
- Bellow
- Conspiracy
- H2o
- Lawrence
- Stafford
- Conspirator
- Jenna
- Whitehall
- Torre
- Starring
- Whitehead
- Locke
- Kenny
- Stephen
- Petty
- Dylan
OATES, proper noun. A surname.
Dictionary definition
OATES, noun. English conspirator who claimed that there was a Jesuit plot to assassinate Charles II (1649-1705).
OATES, noun. United States writer (born in 1938).
Wise words
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.