Associations to the word «Natural»


NATURAL, adjective. That exists and evolved within the confines of an ecosystem.
NATURAL, adjective. Of or relating to nature.
NATURAL, adjective. Without artificial additives.
NATURAL, adjective. As expected; reasonable.
NATURAL, adjective. (music) Neither sharp nor flat. Denoted ♮.
NATURAL, adjective. (music) Produced by natural organs, such as those of the human throat, in distinction from instrumental music.
NATURAL, adjective. (music) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but little from the original key.
NATURAL, adjective. Without, or prior to, modification or adjustment.
NATURAL, adjective. Having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's position; not unnatural in feelings.
NATURAL, adjective. (obsolete) Connected by the ties of consanguinity.
NATURAL, adjective. (obsolete) Born out of wedlock; illegitimate; bastard.
NATURAL, adjective. (of sexual intercourse) Without a condom.
NATURAL, noun. (now rare) A native inhabitant of a place, country etc. [from 16th c.]
NATURAL, noun. (music) A note that is not or is no longer to be modified by an accidental, or the symbol ♮ used to indicate such a note. [from 17th c.]
NATURAL, noun. One with an innate talent at or for something. [from 18th c.]
NATURAL, noun. An almost white colour, with tints of grey, yellow or brown; originally that of natural fabric. [from 20th c.]
NATURAL, noun. (archaic) One with a simple mind; a fool or idiot.
NATURAL, noun. (colloquial) (chiefly UK) One's natural life.
NATURAL BIRTH, noun. A childbirth that is composed of a vaginal delivery without the usage of any obstetrical procedures
NATURAL CHILD, noun. An illegitimate child, a child born to unmarried parents.
NATURAL CONVECTION, noun. Free convection
NATURAL DEDUCTION, noun. A kind of proof calculus in which logical reasoning is expressed by inference rules closely related to the "natural" way of reasoning, in contrast to axiomatic systems.
NATURAL DISASTER, noun. Any natural phenomenon that causes great damage and loss of life.
NATURAL DISASTER, noun. The emergency situation that is the consequence of such an event.
NATURAL DISASTERS, noun. Plural of natural disaster
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING, noun. Timing sexual intercourse to avoid the time of ovulation (if pregnancy is not wanted) or to fall within that time (if pregnancy is desired).
NATURAL FIBER, noun. An organic fiber, which is obtained naturally, notably from a plant or animal
NATURAL FOOD, noun. A food that has been not been processed in any way that alters covalent bonds, and to which no artificial substance has been added.
NATURAL FUNCTION, noun. (mathematics) An ordinary trigonometric function
NATURAL FUNCTIONS, noun. Plural of natural function
NATURAL GAS, noun. A mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons associated with petroleum deposits; mostly methane with smaller amounts of ethane, propane and butane; principally used as a fuel
NATURAL GASES, noun. Plural of natural gas
NATURAL GOVERNING PARTY, proper noun. (Canada) (politics) (slang) a sobriquet for the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC), due to it having been the governing political party of Canada for most of its history.
NATURAL GRAMMAR, noun. (music) A musical grammar which arises spontaneously in a musical culture (as opposed to an artificial grammar).
NATURAL HARMONIC, noun. (music) (stringed instruments) a sound produced by lightly touching the string as opposed to pressing it against the fingerboard, usually with the actual pitch notated
NATURAL HARMONIC, noun. (music) (wind instruments) The series of pitches produced by a wind instrument without modulation by a mute, valves, or keys.
NATURAL HARMONICS, noun. Plural of natural harmonic
NATURAL HISTORIES, noun. Plural of natural history
NATURAL HISTORY, noun. The study of all living things, especially their origins, evolution and interrelationships.
NATURAL HISTORY, noun. The study of all natural phenomena.
NATURAL HISTORY, noun. A treatise or similar work that summarizes the known facts of either of the above.
NATURAL INCREASE RATE, noun. (demography) The difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate of a population
NATURAL KILLER, noun. (immunology) A natural killer cell
NATURAL KILLER CELL, noun. (immunology) Any cell that expresses cell surface receptors that deliver signals to either activate or inhibit a response as part of the immune system
NATURAL LANGUAGE, noun. (retronym) (countable) a human language which has evolved naturally in a community, usually in contrast to computer programming languages or to artificially constructed languages such as Esperanto.
NATURAL LANGUAGE, noun. (uncountable) natural languages (sense 1) considered collectively
NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING, noun. A field of computer science and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages
NATURAL LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING, noun. A subtopic of natural language processing in artificial intelligence that deals with machine reading comprehension
NATURAL LANGUAGES, noun. Plural of natural language
NATURAL LAW, noun. (philosophy) An ethical theory that posits the existence of a law whose content is set by nature and that therefore has validity everywhere.
NATURAL LAW, noun. Law of nature; relating to natural phenomena.
NATURAL LIGHT, noun. Light as supplied by the sun
NATURAL LIGHT, noun. (archaic) innate wisdom or knowledge
NATURAL LOG, noun. (mathematics) natural logarithm
NATURAL LOGARITHM, noun. (mathematics) The logarithm in base e; either the function that given \(x\!\) returns \(y\!\) such that \(e^y = x\!\) or the value of \(y\!\).
NATURAL LOGARITHMS, noun. Plural of natural logarithm
NATURAL MINOR SCALE, noun. (music) a minor scale with the 3rd, 6th, and 7th notes lowered by one semitone
NATURAL MINOR SCALES, noun. Plural of natural minor scale
NATURAL MONOPOLIES, noun. Plural of natural monopoly
NATURAL MONOPOLY, noun. Control over the market for a product which occurs when a firm gains large benefit from economies of scale, or from a superior business model or product, and is thus able to produce a very large percentage of the total market demand for a given product and unintentionally exclude meaningful competition via price structures.
NATURAL NUMBER, noun. (mathematics) a member of the set of natural numbers — a positive integer (set of [1,2,3,...])
NATURAL NUMBER, noun. (mathematics) a member of the set of natural numbers — a non-negative integer (set of [0,1,2,3,...]).
NATURAL NUMBERS, noun. (mathematics) The set of positive integers, {1, 2, 3, ...}.
NATURAL NUMBERS, noun. (mathematics) (computer science) The set of non-negative integers, {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.
NATURAL PERSON, noun. (legal) A human being, as opposed to an organization.
NATURAL PERSONS, noun. Plural of natural person
NATURAL PHILOSOPHER, noun. A person who studied natural philosophy
NATURAL PHILOSOPHERS, noun. Plural of natural philosopher
NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, noun. (historical) The objective study of nature in the widest sense; science, (later especially) physics. [from 14th c.]
NATURAL PRESERVE, noun. An area of land managed to conserve wildlife or plant habitat or other natural features.
NATURAL PRICE, noun. (economics) A price for a good or service that is equal to the cost of production.
NATURAL PRICES, noun. Plural of natural price
NATURAL PROCESS, noun. A process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings). For example, volcanic activity and tidal activities.
NATURAL PROCESSES, noun. Plural of natural process
NATURAL PRODUCT, noun. (biochemistry) Any compound produced naturally by a living organism; especially those compounds that are useful commercially
NATURAL PRODUCTS, noun. Plural of natural product
NATURAL RESERVE, noun. An area of land managed to conserve wildlife or plant habitat or other natural features.
NATURAL RESOURCE, noun. Any source of wealth that occurs naturally, especially minerals, fossil fuels, timber, etc.
NATURAL RESOURCES, noun. Plural of natural resource
NATURAL SCIENCE, noun. A science involved in studying phenomena or laws of the physical world; a general term of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and so on.
NATURAL SCIENCES, noun. Plural of natural science
NATURAL SCIENTIST, noun. A scientist dedicated to natural science.
NATURAL SCIENTISTS, noun. Plural of natural scientist
NATURAL SELECTION, noun. (evolutionary biology) A process by which heritable traits conferring survival and reproductive advantage to individuals, or related individuals, tend to be passed on to succeeding generations and become more frequent in a population, whereas other less favourable traits tend to become eliminated.
NATURAL SELECTION, noun. (quantitative genetics) A process in which individual organisms or phenotypes that possess favourable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce: the differential survival and reproduction of phenotypes.
NATURAL SON, noun. A male biological child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, as opposed to one adopted.
NATURAL SON, noun. An illegitimate son.
NATURAL SONS, noun. Plural of natural son
NATURAL STATE, proper noun. A nickname of the state of Arkansas
NATURAL STEEL, noun. Steel made by the direct refining of cast iron in a finery, or (as in the case of wootz) by a direct process from the ore.
NATURAL TRANSFORMATION, noun. (category theory) Given categories C and D and functors F and G both going from C to D, then a transformation η from F to G consists of components ηX:F(X) → G(X), indexed by objects X of C, which are morphisms in D. The transformation is said to be natural if for any arrow f:X → Y in C, the following naturality condition is satisfied: \( \eta_Y \circ F(f) = G(f) \circ \eta_X\).
NATURAL TRUMPET, noun. A valveless brass instrument that is able to play the notes of the harmonic series.
NATURAL TRUMPETS, noun. Plural of natural trumpet
NATURAL UNIT, noun. (physics) Any of a group of related physical units defined in terms of natural constants.
NATURAL UNITS, noun. Plural of natural unit
NATURAL USER INTERFACE, noun. (computing) A user interface for a computer that is effectively invisible, or becomes invisible to its users with successive learned interactions.
NATURAL USER INTERFACES, noun. Plural of natural user interface
NATURAL VOWEL, noun. Schwa
NATURAL WASTAGE, noun. (British) (business) Decrease of workforce caused by non-replacement of retiring or voluntarily resigning employees and not by deliberate layoffs.

Dictionary definition

NATURAL, noun. Someone regarded as certain to succeed; "he's a natural for the job".
NATURAL, noun. A notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat.
NATURAL, noun. (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake.
NATURAL, adjective. In accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature; "a very natural development"; "our natural environment"; "natural science"; "natural resources"; "natural cliffs"; "natural phenomena".
NATURAL, adjective. Existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation; "a natural pearl"; "natural gas"; "natural silk"; "natural blonde hair"; "a natural sweetener"; "natural fertilizers".
NATURAL, adjective. Existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical; "a perfectly natural explanation".
NATURAL, adjective. Functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies; "it's the natural thing to happen"; "natural immunity"; "a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild".
NATURAL, adjective. (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone; "a natural scale"; "B natural".
NATURAL, adjective. Unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct; "a cat's natural aversion to water"; "offering to help was as instinctive as breathing".
NATURAL, adjective. (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; "natural yogurt"; "natural produce"; "raw wool"; "raw sugar"; "bales of rude cotton".
NATURAL, adjective. Related by blood; not adopted.
NATURAL, adjective. Being talented through inherited qualities; "a natural leader"; "a born musician"; "an innate talent".
NATURAL, adjective. Free from artificiality; "a lifelike pose"; "a natural reaction".

Wise words

When ideas fail, words come in very handy.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe