Associations to the word «Mp»
- Ether
- Landslide
- Kelvin
- Enfield
- Eldest
- Poole
- Stockport
- Wexford
- Secretary
- Sir
- Beaumont
- Sitting
- Gerry
- Candidacy
- Ml
- Surrey
- Pc
- Copeland
- Tam
- Wolverhampton
- Norwich
- Lords
- Wigan
- Uk
- Cheshire
- Archibald
- Middlesbrough
- Nigel
- Devonshire
- Hammersmith
- Local
- Harrow
- Hodge
- Barnsley
- Villiers
- Acton
- Lancaster
- Vote
- Pickle
- Postmaster
- Newcastle
- Caroline
- Enoch
- Waterford
- Middlesex
- Dover
- Industrialist
- Hampstead
- Constituent
- Chow
- Cairns
- Wilfrid
- Maclean
- Gladstone
- Gower
- Yorkshire
- Warrington
- Glasgow
- English
- Southampton
- Maude
- Reginald
- Ivor
- Opposition
- Mana
- Grandson
- Bedford
- Ewing
- Oldham
- Morley
- Browne
- Carmichael
- Zoom
- Bristol
- Canterbury
- Angus
- Treasurer
- Geoffrey
- Alderman
- William
- Re
- Dem
- Bradford
- Blackburn
- Churchill
- Abbott
- Osborne
- Thomas
MP, symbol. The ISO 3166-1 two-letter (alpha-2) code for Northern Mariana Islands.
MP, abbreviation. Megapixel
MP, abbreviation. (music) mezzo piano (quite soft)
MP, abbreviation. Market price – written on menus instead of a price to mean the price charged depends on the price of supplies, which may vary.
MP, proper noun. Abbreviation of masorah parva.
Dictionary definition
MP, noun. A member of the military police who polices soldiers and guards prisoners.
MP, noun. A military corps that enforces discipline and guards prisoners.
Wise words
Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but
principally by catch words.