Associations to the word «Minnesota»
- Lea
- Hubbard
- Maine
- Overtime
- Halfback
- Idaho
- Leech
- Lineman
- Bills
- Clinic
- Waiver
- Becker
- Moose
- Nba
- Erickson
- Representative
- Defenceman
- Colorado
- Ellsworth
- Denver
- Shutout
- Punt
- Touchdown
- Bruin
- Kickoff
- Preseason
- Swarm
- Fumble
- Saint
- Nugget
- Baseman
- Legislature
- Vermont
- Jug
- Golden
- Cleveland
- Senator
- Guthrie
- Choke
- Ohio
- University
- Dallas
- Caucus
- Rhode
- Rockies
- Sock
- Twin
- Reservation
- Rudy
- Augsburg
- Yankee
- Halftime
- Goaltender
- Statute
- Montevideo
- Oklahoma
- Pittsburgh
- Kicker
- Utah
- Southwestern
- Carlton
- Whaler
- Cedar
- Pitcher
- Maple
- Eden
- Benton
- Thunder
- Texas
- Franchise
- Arizona
- Nea
- Lions
- Houston
- Lutheran
- Opener
- Bethel
- Zenith
- Tornado
- Elmer
- Arden
- Winnipeg
- Pick
- Atlanta
- Lowry
- Senate
- Buckeye
- Ncaa
- Td
- Nevada
- Bronco
MINNESOTA, proper noun. A north-central state of the United States of America. West of Wisconsin, north of Iowa, east of South Dakota and North Dakota; south of the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Ontario. The capital is Saint Paul.
MINNESOTA NICE, noun. (US) A style of pleasantness, courtesy, cooperation, and helpfulness associated with Minnesota culture; a form of Northern Plains charm.
MINNESOTA NICE, adjective. Pleasant, courteous, cooperative, and helpful (as associated with Minnesota culture)
Dictionary definition
MINNESOTA, noun. A midwestern state.
Wise words
Much wisdom often goes with fewest words.