Associations to the word «Ironically»
- Downfall
- Demise
- Greed
- Rival
- Federalist
- Nemesis
- Spacer
- Cw
- Capitalism
- Gator
- Gaulle
- Pennant
- Opposite
- Satire
- Hysteria
- Reversal
- Socrates
- Affiliate
- Elite
- Authorship
- Blunder
- Orthodoxy
- Decca
- Animosity
- Primitive
- Takeover
- Trafford
- Immortality
- Slogan
- Popularity
- Pretension
- Welles
- Ender
- Showtime
- Resurgence
- Addiction
- Hitler
- Theorist
- Orson
- Stalin
- Inquisition
- Censorship
- Liberal
- Repression
- Communist
- Uhf
- Purge
- Dictatorship
- Anti
IRONICALLY, adverb. (manner) In an ironic manner, in a way displaying irony.
IRONICALLY, adverb. (evaluative) Used to draw attention to an ironic aspect of a situation being described.
Dictionary definition
IRONICALLY, adverb. Contrary to plan or expectation; "ironically, he ended up losing money under his own plan".
IRONICALLY, adverb. In an ironic manner; "she began to mimic him ironically".
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.