Associations to the word «Intercollegiate»
- Cis
- Missouri
- Quiz
- Mckenzie
- Season
- Corbett
- Ferris
- Baptist
- National
- Eleven
- Membership
- Kepler
- Tenure
- Virginia
- Bison
- Augsburg
- Columbia
- Florida
- Eagle
- Equity
- Henley
- Scholarship
- Overall
- Governance
- Badger
- Alabama
- Institution
- Mvp
- Ravens
- Ski
- Ut
- Scarlet
- Mckinley
- Joining
- Chess
- Cal
- Governed
- Dakota
- Bowl
- Alumnus
- Northwest
- Baylor
- Student
- Prior
- Title
- Won
- Georgia
- Founding
- Kathryn
- Rules
- Rugby
- Auspice
- America
- Centenary
- Archery
- Carolina
- Osprey
- Raider
- Ranking
- Guideline
- Institute
- Trophy
- Golden
- Bs
- Field
- Greyhound
- Hampton
- Maryland
- Jaguar
- Sac
- Midshipman
- Bronco
- Nickname
- Arkansas
- Charger
- Ohio
- Faculty
- Alpha
- Northern
- Jacksonville
- California
- Interpretation
- Hurdle
- State
- Ii
- Ten
- Symposium
- Game
INTERCOLLEGIATE, adjective. Of, pertaining to, or taking place between two or more colleges.
Dictionary definition
INTERCOLLEGIATE, adjective. Used of competition between colleges or universities; "intercollegiate basketball".
Wise words
Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could
conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly
sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had
this power.