Associations to the word «Intercity»
- Speed
- Berlin
- Coach
- Limerick
- Marseille
- Station
- Chinatown
- Streetcar
- Metro
- Depot
- Amherst
- Oslo
- Daily
- Route
- Weekend
- Locomotive
- Luggage
- Luxembourg
- Ankara
- Burlington
- Ventura
- Corridor
- Haifa
- Sprinter
- Siemens
- Aviv
- Airport
- Mumbai
- Destination
- Bridgeport
- Motorway
- Worcester
- Expressway
- Operator
- Dublin
- Genoa
- Freiburg
- Venice
- Tri
- Concourse
- Stop
- Rake
- Diesel
- Interchange
- Line
- Railroad
- Transport
- Kiel
- Ice
- Midlands
- Traffic
- Augsburg
- Hancock
- Bangalore
- Rani
- Salzburg
- Connection
- Subway
- Keystone
- Lyon
- Junction
- Main
- Galway
- Shuttle
- Palermo
- Rome
- Distance
- Penn
- Glove
- Hr
- Local
- Tel
- Mon
- Haul
- Colombo
- Delhi
- Taipei
- Agility
- Vermont
- Seating
- Milwaukee
INTERCITY, adjective. That connects cities with other cities.
INTERCITY, noun. Something that runs between cities, such as a railroad.
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.