Associations to the word «Igloo»
- Inuit
- Pallet
- Cooler
- Truss
- Hangar
- Aerodrome
- Granada
- Sled
- Snow
- Shack
- Gustavo
- Munition
- Waller
- Infiltration
- Fur
- Hut
- Ms
- Shoal
- Shelter
- Burrow
- Skating
- Skipper
- Katy
- Greenland
- Dome
- Tent
- Sledge
- Ice
- Penguin
- Timber
- Kerry
- Shaman
- Storage
- Drift
- Cache
- Mobile
- Sensor
- Build
- Packing
- Lamp
- Radar
- Bobby
- Span
- Dwelling
- Complex
- Silicon
- Seal
- White
- Chord
- Stove
- Commando
- Depot
- Block
- Winter
- Module
- Suit
- Ski
- Dog
- Tunnel
- Sleeping
- Pittsburgh
- Entrance
- Franz
- Installation
- Arena
- Skin
- Hunt
- Pioneer
- Structure
- Alaska
- Meat
- Ammunition
- Metre
- Diameter
IGLOO, noun. A dome-shaped Inuit shelter, constructed of blocks cut from snow.
IGLOO, noun. (zoology) A cavity, or excavation, made in the snow by a seal, over its breathing hole in the sea ice.
Dictionary definition
IGLOO, noun. An Eskimo hut; usually built of blocks (of sod or snow) in the shape of a dome.
Wise words
Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one
good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible,
speak a few sensible words.