Associations to the word «Icelandic»


ICELANDIC, proper noun. A North Germanic language, the national tongue of Iceland.
ICELANDIC, adjective. Of or relating to the North Germanic language spoken in Iceland.
ICELANDIC, adjective. Of or relating to the natives or inhabitants of Iceland.
ICELANDIC, adjective. Of, relating to, or originating from Iceland.
ICELANDIC SHEEPDOG, noun. A spitz herding dog bred in Iceland.
ICELANDIC SHEEPDOGS, noun. Plural of Icelandic Sheepdog
ICELANDIC SIGN LANGUAGE, proper noun. The sign language of Iceland's deaf community.
ICELANDIC SPITZ, noun. The Icelandic Sheepdog
ICELANDIC SPITZE, noun. Plural of Icelandic Spitz

Dictionary definition

ICELANDIC, noun. A Scandinavian language that is the official language of Iceland.
ICELANDIC, adjective. Of or relating to Iceland or its people or culture and language; "Icelandic ports"; "the Icelandic president is a woman"; "Icelandic sagas".

Wise words

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa