Associations to the word «Axel»
- Pell
- Springer
- Braun
- Alonso
- Skate
- Sammy
- Sven
- Swedish
- Foley
- Skater
- Johan
- Antoinette
- Jensen
- Paine
- Erik
- Weston
- Nils
- Raw
- Nilsson
- Sinatra
- Curtis
- Gustav
- Mathias
- Bauer
- Welt
- Konrad
- Och
- Donaldson
- Gunnar
- Theodor
- Carl
- Magnus
- Ito
- Harald
- Klein
- Jump
- Slater
- Stuttgart
- Michele
- Andreas
- Quad
- Gabriel
- Lund
- Beverly
- Parody
- Norbert
- Eureka
- Uppsala
- Jens
- Von
- Stockholm
- Boogie
- Anders
- Skating
- Berg
- Marko
- Danish
- Dem
- Tomas
- Nielsen
- Gymnast
- Nobel
- Henrik
- Porn
- Chancellor
- Hu
- Ax
- Georg
- Klaus
- Rolf
- Christensen
- Loop
- Christoph
- Sweden
- Triple
- Hermann
- Lew
- Blaze
- Arranger
- Maitland
- Bloch
- Hans
- Christina
- Carlson
- Hansen
- Dorsey
- Ay
- Kuhn
- Copenhagen
AXEL, noun. (figure skating) A jump with one (or more) and a half turns in the air.
AXEL, noun. Misspelling of axle.
AXEL, proper noun. A male given name in quiet use since the 19th century.
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.