Associations to the word «Hedge»
- Bet
- Enclosure
- Swap
- Equity
- Portfolio
- Fence
- Meadow
- Lawn
- Thorn
- Investor
- Commodity
- Fund
- Asset
- Derivative
- Garden
- Investment
- Pasture
- Currency
- Divinity
- Cad
- Path
- Lane
- Risk
- Yew
- Woodland
- Trader
- Trading
- Flower
- Hedge
- Grass
- Bush
- Hawthorn
- Strategy
- Ditch
- Taboo
- Wall
- Maze
- Cactus
- Dividend
- Mallory
- Stile
- Clipper
- Farmland
- Hog
- Investing
- Shrub
- Restriction
- Sparrow
- Propriety
- Thicket
- Evergreen
- Beech
- Elm
- Blackbird
- Frederic
- Adele
- Footpath
- Poplar
- Insider
- Driveway
- Clump
- Planting
- Twig
- Bough
- Cypress
- Orchard
- Schoolmaster
- Budding
- Blossom
- Thrush
- Goldman
- Holly
- Leverage
- Inflation
- Pear
- Gap
- Witch
- Cottage
- Musketeer
- Coke
HEDGE, noun. A thicket of bushes, usually thorn bushes; especially, such a thicket planted as a fence between any two portions of land; and also any sort of shrubbery, as evergreens, planted in a line or as a fence; particularly, such a thicket planted round a field to fence it, or in rows to separate the parts of a garden.
HEDGE, noun. (UK) (mainly Devon and Cornwall) A mound of earth, stone- or turf-faced, often topped with bushes, used as a fence between any two portions of land.
HEDGE, noun. A non-committal or intentionally ambiguous statement.
HEDGE, noun. (finance) Contract or arrangement reducing one's exposure to risk (for example the risk of price movements or interest rate movements).
HEDGE, noun. (UK) (Ireland) (noun adjunct) Used attributively, with figurative indication of a person's upbringing, or professional activities, taking place by the side of the road; third-rate.
HEDGE, verb. (transitive) To enclose with a hedge or hedges.
HEDGE, verb. (transitive) To obstruct with a hedge or hedges.
HEDGE, verb. (transitive) (finance) To offset the risk associated with.
HEDGE, verb. (intransitive) To avoid verbal commitment.
HEDGE, verb. (intransitive) To construct or repair a hedge.
HEDGE, verb. (intransitive) (finance) To reduce one's exposure to risk.
HEDGE BINDWEED, noun. Rutland beauty
HEDGE FUND, noun. Any unregistered investment fund, often characterised by unconventional strategies (i.e., strategies other than investing long only in bonds, equities or money markets). All hedge funds are supposed to be hedged from risk; hence the name.
HEDGE FUNDS, noun. Plural of hedge fund
HEDGE GARLIC, noun. The plant garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
HEDGE MAZE, noun. An outdoor garden maze in which the walls between passages are made of vertical hedges.
HEDGE MAZES, noun. Plural of hedge maze
HEDGE MUSTARD, noun. Sisymbrium officinale, a brassicaceous plant with edible leaves and seeds.
HEDGE ONE'S BETS, verb. (bookmaking) To place bets with a third party in order to offset potential losses.
HEDGE ONE'S BETS, verb. (idiomatic) To reduce the risk of making a mistake, by keeping one's options open.
HEDGE SCHOOL, noun. (historical) A rudimentary school in 18th- and 19th-century Ireland, held outdoors or in a house or barn.
HEDGE SERMON, noun. (historical) An open-air religious service held by Calvinists in the Low Countries during the Reformation, typically in rural areas beyond the reach of civic authorities.
HEDGE SERMONS, noun. Plural of hedge sermon
HEDGE SPARROW, noun. The bird Prunella modularis, the dunnock.
HEDGE SPARROWS, noun. Plural of hedge sparrow
HEDGE TREE, noun. Alternate name for the osage orange tree, referring to its use as barrier vegetation on the Great Plains of the US.
HEDGE TREES, noun. Plural of hedge tree
HEDGE TRIMMER, noun. A portable electric saw designed for trimming hedges.
HEDGE TRIMMERS, noun. Plural of hedge trimmer
Dictionary definition
HEDGE, noun. A fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes.
HEDGE, noun. Any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change.
HEDGE, noun. An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement; "when you say `maybe' you are just hedging".
HEDGE, verb. Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully".
HEDGE, verb. Hinder or restrict with or as if with a hedge; "The animals were hedged in".
HEDGE, verb. Enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges; "hedge the property".
HEDGE, verb. Minimize loss or risk; "diversify your financial portfolio to hedge price risks"; "hedge your bets".
Wise words
The pen is mightier than the sword.