Associations to the word «Heath»


HEATH, noun. A tract of level uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation; heathland.
HEATH, noun. Any small evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae.
HEATH, noun. Many of the species in the genus Erica
HEATH, noun. Many of the species in the genus Cassiope
HEATH, noun. Both species in the genus Daboecia
HEATH, noun. Any of the species in the genus Epacris, Australian heath
HEATH, noun. Any of the species in the genus Leucopogon, beard heath
HEATH, noun. Any of the species in the genus Phyllodoce, mountain heath
HEATH, noun. (countable) Certain butterflies and moths
HEATH, noun. The palaearctic species of Coenonympha, a genus of brush-footed butterfly
HEATH, noun. Coenonympha pamphilus, native to Europe, Asia except tropical India and Indochina, and Northern Africa, the small heath
HEATH, noun. Coenonympha tullia, native to Europe, Asia except tropical India and Indochina, and North America, the large heath
HEATH, noun. Melitaea athalia, the heath fritillary
HEATH, noun. Semiothisa clathrata, a moth known as the latticed heath
HEATH, proper noun. A surname​.
HEATH, proper noun. A male given name
HEATH FRITILLARIES, noun. Plural of heath fritillary
HEATH FRITILLARY, noun. A very small, orange and brown chequered butterfly, Melitaea athalia, of the family Nymphalidae.
HEATH HEN, noun. An extinct subspecies of chicken that once lived in North America
HEATH PEA, noun. Lathyrus linifolius, a species of pea, whose tubers were once used as an appetite suppressant.
HEATH ROBINSON, noun. Used in an attributive manner to describe anything ingenious but absurdly impractical
HEATH ROBINSONIAN, adjective. Elaborate and impractical.

Dictionary definition

HEATH, noun. A low evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae; has small bell-shaped pink or purple flowers.
HEATH, noun. A tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation.

Wise words

Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.
Martin Luther King Jr.