Associations to the word «Hawthorn»
- Geelong
- Afl
- Collingwood
- Premiership
- Fitzroy
- Kew
- Fremantle
- Hedge
- Albion
- Stephenson
- Leslie
- Carlton
- Waverley
- Tyne
- Melbourne
- Ferrari
- Hazel
- Alder
- Blossom
- Juniper
- Footballer
- Beech
- Hodge
- Yew
- Poplar
- Bulldog
- Birch
- Elm
- Redoubt
- Oval
- Kicking
- Pear
- Adelaide
- Shrub
- Clarkson
- Rowan
- Willow
- Tuck
- Hawk
- Raspberry
- Richmond
- Premier
- Aspen
- Maple
- Moss
- Holly
- Thorn
- Oak
- Plum
- Scope
- Bloom
- Swan
- Chestnut
- Spp
- Jaguar
- Broom
- Rule
- Locomotive
- Football
- Magpie
- Tasmania
- Cherry
- Budding
- Matthews
- Disposal
- Burnley
- Tramway
- Fragrance
- Berry
- Ash
- Bough
- Thicket
- Stirling
- Guernsey
- Bush
- Foundry
- Grand
- Kangaroo
- Tram
- Brisbane
- Apple
- Spindle
- Row
HAWTHORN, noun. Any of various shrubs and small trees of the genus Crataegus having small, apple-like fruits and thorny branches
Dictionary definition
HAWTHORN, noun. A spring-flowering shrub or small tree of the genus Crataegus.
Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.