Associations to the word «Hanoverian»


HANOVERIAN, adjective. Of or from Hanover.
HANOVERIAN, adjective. Of or from the House of Hanover, a German royal dynasty.
HANOVERIAN, noun. Someone of or from Hanover.
HANOVERIAN, noun. Someone from the House of Hanover.
HANOVERIAN, noun. A supporter of the House of Hanover.

Dictionary definition

HANOVERIAN, noun. Any of the British rulers who were members of the House of Hanover.
HANOVERIAN, noun. A member (or supporter) of the house of Hanover.
HANOVERIAN, adjective. Of or relating to the former English royal House of Hanover or their supporters.

Wise words

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal