Associations to the word «Glitter»


GLITTER, noun. A bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy; as, the glitter of arms; the glitter of royal equipage.
GLITTER, noun. A shiny, decorative adornment, sometimes sprinkled on glue to make simple artwork.
GLITTER, verb. To sparkle with light; to shine with a brilliant and broken light or showy luster; to gleam.
GLITTER, verb. To be showy, specious, or striking, and hence attractive.
GLITTER BOMB, verb. To throw or shower glitter on a person at a public event as a form of protest, generally over gay rights.
GLITTER ROCK, noun. (UK) glam rock, an music style popular in the early 1970's.

Dictionary definition

GLITTER, noun. The quality of shining with a bright reflected light.
GLITTER, noun. The occurrence of a small flash or spark.
GLITTER, verb. Be shiny, as if wet; "His eyes were glistening".

Wise words

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
Florence Scovel Shinn