Associations to the word «Generic»
- Orthodox
- Oblast
- Names
- Epithet
- Isis
- Pascal
- Preparation
- Knoll
- Specialty
- Url
- Siegfried
- Christian
- Cl
- Fascism
- Antecedent
- Subgenus
- Wolff
- Survey
- History
- Myers
- Antibiotic
- Genu
- Nomenclature
- Prescription
- Schema
- Ci
- Suffix
- Metadata
- Gamble
- Pharmacist
- Usa
- Identifier
- Kg
- Keyword
- Innovator
- Ontology
- Programmer
- Muslim
- Earring
- Belonging
- Authentication
- Dizziness
- Itu
- Botanist
- Meaning
- Domain
- Italia
- Query
- Branding
- Healthcare
- Substitution
- Gender
- Non
- Butterfly
- Capacitor
- Taxon
- Inhibitor
- Integer
- Connotation
- Lizard
- Atm
- Islam
- Sodium
- Functionality
- Routing
- Polynomial
- Singularity
- Rfc
- Certainty
- Framing
- Subset
- Public
GENERIC, adjective. Very comprehensive; pertaining or appropriate to large classes or groups as opposed to specific.
GENERIC, adjective. Lacking in precision, often in an evasive fashion; vague; imprecise.
GENERIC, adjective. (of a product or drug) Not having a brand name.
GENERIC, adjective. (biology) (not comparable) Of or relating to a taxonomic genus.
GENERIC, adjective. (grammar) Specifying neither masculine nor feminine; epicene.
GENERIC, adjective. (computing) (Of program code) Written so as to operate on any data type, the type required being passed as a parameter.
GENERIC, adjective. (geometry) (of a point) Having coordinates that are algebraically independent over the base field.
GENERIC, noun. A product sold under a generic name
GENERIC, noun. A wine that is a blend of several wines, or made from a blend of several grape varieties
GENERIC, noun. (grammar) A term that specifies neither male nor female.
GENERIC ELEMENT, noun. (category theory) The identity element of an object when thought of as a generalized element of that object.
GENERIC INTERVAL, noun. (music) the distance between notes only regarding the distance on the staff
GENERIC INTERVALS, noun. Plural of generic interval
GENERIC NAME, noun. (taxonomy) The scientific name of a genus.
GENERIC NAME, noun. (pharmacology) (pharmacy) The name given to a drug that is used to identify it irrespective of trademark etc.
GENERIC NAMES, noun. Plural of generic name
GENERIC PROGRAMMING, noun. (programming) A style of computer programming in which algorithms are written in terms of to-be-specified-later types that are then instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters.
GENERIC TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN, noun. Any of the top-level domains assigned by the IANA based on type of organization.
GENERIC TOP-LEVEL DOMAINS, noun. Plural of generic top-level domain
Dictionary definition
GENERIC, noun. A wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with no one grape predominating; a wine that does not carry the name of any specific grape.
GENERIC, noun. Any product that can be sold without a brand name.
GENERIC, adjective. Relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus; "the generic name".
GENERIC, adjective. (of drugs) not protected by trademark; "`Acetaminophen' is the generic form of the proprietary drug `Tylenol'".
GENERIC, adjective. Applicable to an entire class or group; "is there a generic Asian mind?".
Wise words
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.