Associations to the word «Gamer»
- Starter
- Betting
- Tackle
- Nl
- Shortstop
- Pitching
- Clinch
- Lottery
- Celtic
- Punt
- Goal
- Aggie
- Wildcat
- Maverick
- Discus
- Goaltender
- Turnover
- Bulldog
- Oriole
- Sideline
- Pennant
- Ravens
- Sock
- Umpire
- Rookie
- Halfback
- Longhorn
- Bronco
- Replay
- Batter
- Avatar
- Buckeye
- Basketball
- Redskin
- Medal
- Husky
- Gator
- Win
- Packer
- Franchise
- Avg
- Anaheim
- Opener
- Rematch
- Sprite
- Baseman
- Rushing
- Relay
- Defenceman
- Adventure
- Homecoming
- Pointer
- Fullback
- Kicker
- Mls
- Pitcher
- Bills
- Sport
- Twins
- Brave
- Madden
- Sequel
- Baylor
- Catcher
- Giant
- Foul
- Yard
- Comeback
- Fielder
- Season
- Hockey
- Ninja
- Pawn
- Commodore
- Nugget
- Blazer
- Installment
- Hedgehog
- Concussion
- Flyer
- Referee
- Midfield
- Charger
- Brawl
- Penalty
- Pinch
- Arena
- Buccaneer
- Lions
Pictures for the word «Gamer»
GAME, noun. A playful or competitive activity.
GAME, noun. A playful activity that may be unstructured; an amusement or pastime.
GAME, noun. (countable) An activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment, often competitive or having an explicit goal.
GAME, noun. (countable) A particular instance of playing a game; match.
GAME, noun. That which is gained, such as the stake in a game.
GAME, noun. The number of points necessary to win a game.
GAME, noun. (card games) In some games, a point awarded to the player whose cards add up to the largest sum.
GAME, noun. (countable) The equipment that enables such activity, particularly as packaged under a title.
GAME, noun. One's manner, style, or performance in playing a game.
GAME, noun. (countable) (informal) (nearly always singular) A field of gainful activity, as an industry or profession.
GAME, noun. (countable) (figuratively) Something that resembles a game with rules, despite not being designed.
GAME, noun. (countable) (military) An exercise simulating warfare, whether computerized or involving human participants.
GAME, noun. (uncountable) Wild animals hunted for food.
GAME, noun. (uncountable) (informal) (used mostly of males) The ability to seduce someone, usually by strategy.
GAME, noun. (countable) A questionable or unethical practice in pursuit of a goal; a scheme.
GAME, adjective. (colloquial) Willing to participate.
GAME, adjective. (of an animal) That shows a tendency to continue to fight against another animal, despite being wounded, often severely.
GAME, adjective. Persistent, especially in senses similar to the above.
GAME, adjective. Injured, lame (of a limb).
GAME, verb. (intransitive) To gamble.
GAME, verb. (intransitive) To play games and be a gamer.
GAME, verb. (transitive) To exploit loopholes in a system or bureaucracy in a way which defeats or nullifies the spirit of the rules in effect, usually to obtain a result which otherwise would be unobtainable.
GAME, verb. (transitive) (slang) (of males) To perform premeditated seduction strategy.
GAME BAG, noun. A bag in which a hunter or poacher carries back dead game
GAME BAGS, noun. Plural of game bag
GAME BIRD, noun. A bird that is hunted for sport, especially one used for food
GAME BIRDS, noun. Plural of game bird
GAME BOARD, noun. Alternative form of gameboard
GAME BOARDS, noun. Plural of game board
GAME CAMERA, noun. A motion sensitive camera placed on animal trails to photograph passing wildlife.
GAME CHANGER, noun. (literally or figuratively) Something unexpected which changes the rules of a process viewed as a game.
GAME CHANGERS, noun. Plural of game changer
GAME CLOCK, noun. A clock used to time a ball game
GAME CLOCKS, noun. Plural of game clock
GAME CLUB, noun. An organization devoted to bringing game players together.
GAME CONSOLE, noun. (video games) A video game console.
GAME CONSOLES, noun. Plural of game console
GAME CONTROLLER, noun. (video games) A hardware device, such as a joypad, designed to allow the user to play video games.
GAME CONTROLLERS, noun. Plural of game controller
GAME DRIVE, noun. (South Africa) A safari. A trip into the wild to see animals in their own environment.
GAME ENGINE, noun. (video games) A video game's software engine, it executes the core functionality of the game. May also refer to the graphics engine of the game as well.
GAME ENGINES, noun. Plural of game engine
GAME FACE, noun. (idiomatic) The expression of one who is prepared for or is facing a lot of difficult and/or undesirable work, especially when it is imminent.
GAME FACE, noun. (idiomatic) A facial expression used to prevent giving away one's emotions.
GAME FACES, noun. Plural of game face
GAME FISH, noun. Synonym of sport fish.
GAME FISHES, noun. Plural of game fish
GAME MANAGER, noun. (American football) A quarterback who makes a minimum number of mistakes on a team that relies on its defense and rushing offense to win games.
GAME MANAGERS, noun. Plural of game manager
GAME MASTER, noun. (role-playing games) The person conducting a role-playing game, generally responsible for controlling all beings and processes other than the players.
GAME MASTERING, noun. Synonym of Dungeon Mastering.
GAME MASTERS, noun. Plural of game master
GAME OF CHANCE, noun. (games) (probability) A game in which the outcome is at least partly determined by random variables rather than strictly by strategy.
GAME OF GOTCHA, noun. A practice intended to ensnare somebody.
GAME OF LIFE, proper noun. An American board game simulating progress through life, with job, marriage, etc.
GAME OF LIFE, proper noun. A cellular automaton devised by mathematician John Horton Conway.
GAME OF SKILL, noun. (games) A game in which the outcome depends mainly on the physical and mental skills of the players, and only secondarily on chance.
GAME OF TWO HALVES, noun. Something that makes a major turnaround over the course of its lifespan.
GAME PLAN, noun. (idiomatic) Any strategy devised to reach a given objective.
GAME PLANS, noun. Plural of game plan
GAME POINT, noun. (tennis) A situation where if one of the two players wins the next point, he or she will win the game (but not the set).
GAME PORT, noun. (computing) An I/O port, on earlier PCs, used for the attachment of a joystick or similar hardware
GAME PORTS, noun. Plural of game port
GAME RESERVE, noun. Land set aside for the conservation of wild animals
GAME RESERVES, noun. Plural of game reserve
GAME SCORE, noun. (baseball) A metric used to evaluate the value of a pitcher's performance in one game. In a nine-inning game, an average score is 50, and the maximum achievable score is 114.
GAME SCORES, noun. Plural of game score
GAME SHEET, noun. (sports) A document used in sports in order to keep track of goals, penalties, assists, etc.
GAME SHOW, noun. (games) (broadcasting) A radio or television programme or an episode of the programme that involves members of the public or celebrities, whether as individuals or as part of a team, playing a game, especially involving the answering of quiz questions, for cash or prizes.
GAME SHOWS, noun. Plural of game show
GAME THE SYSTEM, verb. To use the rules and procedures meant to protect a system in order to instead manipulate the system for a desired outcome.
GAME THEORIST, noun. A mathematician whose work is in game theory.
GAME THEORISTS, noun. Plural of game theorist
GAME THEORY, noun. (mathematics) (economics) A branch of applied mathematics that studies strategic situations in which individuals or organisations choose various actions in an attempt to maximize their returns.
GAME WARDEN, noun. An employee who has the role of protecting wildlife.
GAME WITH A PURPOSE, noun. (video games) A computer game that serves some purpose for the people setting up the game by harnessing human abilities in an entertaining setting.
Dictionary definition
GAME, noun. A contest with rules to determine a winner; "you need four people to play this game".
GAME, noun. A single play of a sport or other contest; "the game lasted two hours".
GAME, noun. An amusement or pastime; "they played word games"; "he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time"; "his life was all fun and games".
GAME, noun. Animal hunted for food or sport.
GAME, noun. (tennis) a division of play during which one player serves.
GAME, noun. (games) the score at a particular point or the score needed to win; "the game is 6 all"; "he is serving for the game".
GAME, noun. The flesh of wild animals that is used for food.
GAME, noun. A secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal); "they concocted a plot to discredit the governor"; "I saw through his little game from the start".
GAME, noun. The game equipment needed in order to play a particular game; "the child received several games for his birthday".
GAME, noun. Your occupation or line of work; "he's in the plumbing game"; "she's in show biz".
GAME, noun. Frivolous or trifling behavior; "for actors, memorizing lines is no game"; "for him, life is all fun and games".
GAME, verb. Place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse".
GAME, adjective. Disabled in the feet or legs; "a crippled soldier"; "a game leg".
GAME, adjective. Willing to face danger.
Wise words
Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but
principally by catch words.