Associations to the word «Festivity»
- Amusement
- Fax
- Christi
- Postmaster
- Evening
- Groom
- Pilgrimage
- Splendour
- Princesse
- Invite
- Gala
- Ito
- Fasting
- Accession
- Tulip
- Joy
- Rite
- Vendor
- Climax
- Reunion
- Versailles
- Tableau
- Oration
- Preparation
- Join
- Entertainment
- Interrupt
- Magdalena
- Concert
- Populace
- Hospitality
- Wreath
- Throng
- Pagan
- Fortnight
- Troupe
- Puritan
- Ball
- Marriage
- Honor
- Liturgy
- Virgin
- Homage
- Tourist
- Marguerite
- Decoration
- Tradition
- Wednesday
- Duc
- Contest
- Dinner
- Tuesday
- Day
- Arrival
- Custom
- Cake
- Rosalind
- Event
FESTIVITY, noun. (often pluralized) A festival or similar celebration.
FESTIVITY, noun. An experience or expression of celebratory feeling, merriment, gaiety.
Dictionary definition
FESTIVITY, noun. Any joyous diversion.
Wise words
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed
in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy,