Associations to the word «Erection»

Pictures for the word «Erection»


ERECTION, noun. (uncountable) The act of building or putting up or together of something; construction.
ERECTION, noun. (countable) Anything erected or built.
ERECTION, noun. (uncountable) (physiology) The physiological process by which erectile tissue, such as a penis or clitoris, becomes erect by being engorged with blood.
ERECTION, noun. (uncountable) (physiology) (of a penis or clitoris) The state or quality of being erect from engorgement with blood.
ERECTION, noun. (countable) A penis or clitoris that is erect.

Dictionary definition

ERECTION, noun. An erect penis.
ERECTION, noun. A structure that has been erected.
ERECTION, noun. The act of building or putting up.

Wise words

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery