Associations to the word «Editing»
- Engineer
- Special
- Technique
- Basic
- Condor
- Unicode
- Cine
- Mailing
- Studio
- Jae
- Keyboard
- Computer
- Translation
- Shooting
- Golden
- Multiple
- Retrieval
- Category
- Format
- Registry
- Palette
- Hirsch
- Casting
- Laptop
- Direction
- Plug
- Buffer
- Scanner
- Hardware
- Movie
- Zoom
- Improvisation
- Paste
- Screen
- Censorship
- Editorial
- Breakthrough
- Ontology
- Feature
- Tab
- Web
- Griffith
- Nominee
- Publication
- Converting
- Prose
- Polygon
- Transcription
- Copy
- Xp
- Polymerase
- Contributor
- Lab
- Sorting
- Stunt
- Reviewer
- Synth
- Application
- Imagery
- Keyword
- Producer
- Commercial
- Merging
EDITING, verb. Present participle of edit
EDITING, noun. An act or instance of something being edited
Dictionary definition
EDITING, noun. Putting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form.
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.