Associations to the word «Distrust»
- Exaggeration
- Republican
- Lex
- Smuggler
- Egyptian
- Armenian
- Advice
- Arrogance
- Foe
- Proof
- Anjou
- Hardness
- Clergy
- Englishman
- Scandal
- Princes
- Nietzsche
- Strife
- Isolation
- Jew
- Sharpe
- Nobility
- Enthusiasm
- Perception
- Peculiarity
- Quarrel
- Liberal
- Innocence
- Judgment
- Lack
- Cursing
- Greed
- Tension
- Weakness
- Military
- Suspense
- Frustration
- Profession
- Counting
- Despair
- Authority
- Conduct
- Commodore
- Faction
- But
- Influence
- Enemy
- Favour
- Liu
- Opinion
- Conservative
- Throne
- Immigrant
- Minority
- Logic
- Intelligence
- Napoleon
- Everyone
- Reputation
DISTRUST, noun. Lack of trust or confidence.
DISTRUST, verb. To put no trust in; to have no confidence in.
Dictionary definition
DISTRUST, noun. Doubt about someone's honesty.
DISTRUST, noun. The trait of not trusting others.
DISTRUST, verb. Regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.