Associations to the word «Cyanide»


CYANIDE, noun. (chemistry) (countable) Any compound containing the -C≡N radical or the C≡N-1 anion.
CYANIDE, noun. (uncountable) potassium cyanide - a water soluble poison
CYANIDE, noun. (uncountable) hydrogen cyanide, or cyanide gas - a poisonous gas
CYANIDE, verb. (transitive) To treat or poison with cyanide.
CYANIDE PROCESS, noun. A method of extracting gold and silver from their ores with a solution of sodium cyanide
CYANIDE PROCESS, noun. A process of case-hardening iron or steel by immersing it in molten cyanide and then quenching in water or oil

Dictionary definition

CYANIDE, noun. Any of a class of organic compounds containing the cyano radical -CN.
CYANIDE, noun. An extremely poisonous salt of hydrocyanic acid.

Wise words

The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.
Thomas Jefferson