Associations to the word «Crushed»


CRUSHED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of crush
CRUSHED, adjective. Pulverized, rendered into small, disconnected fragments.
CRUSHED, adjective. Broken, saddened, depressed.
CRUSHED, adjective. (not comparable) (textiles) Of a fabric, having the appearance of having been crushed.
CRUSHED SUGAR, noun. A type of sugar that is crushed into granules. Lumpy sweet, white, refined sugar.
CRUSHED SUGARS, noun. Plural of crushed sugar

Dictionary definition

CRUSHED, adjective. Treated so as to have a permanently wrinkled appearance; "crushed velvet".
CRUSHED, adjective. Subdued or brought low in condition or status; "brought low"; "a broken man"; "his broken spirit".

Wise words

Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who are absent.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe