Associations to the word «Corsair»
- Algiers
- Tunis
- Fg
- Tripoli
- Galley
- Privateer
- Hawker
- Avenger
- Cyclops
- Piracy
- Mediterranean
- Pirate
- Curtiss
- Intruder
- Mustang
- Byron
- Lara
- Bey
- Fighter
- Plunder
- Thunderbolt
- Dey
- Marque
- Spitfire
- Hornet
- Squadron
- Dunn
- Carrier
- Buccaneer
- Bomber
- Sortie
- Renegade
- Emilio
- Christendom
- Biplane
- Ottoman
- Afb
- Cockpit
- Aircraft
- Salvatore
- Shipping
- Canto
- Brewster
- Nel
- Pasha
- Raid
- Marine
- Summers
- Wildcat
- Regency
- Austen
- Captive
- Crusader
- Catapult
- Fuselage
- Aviator
- Turk
- Pickering
- Dive
- Firefly
- Mk
- Pilot
- Mirage
- Myrtle
- Liberator
- Yacht
- Fleet
- Malta
- Ling
- Uss
- Navy
- Propeller
- Sabre
- Whistling
- Spaniard
- Ottomans
- Wreckage
- Crete
- Guadalcanal
CORSAIR, noun. A French privateer, especially from the port of St-Malo
CORSAIR, noun. A privateer or pirate in general
CORSAIR, noun. The ship of privateers or pirates, especially of French nationality
CORSAIR, noun. A nocturnal assassin bug of the genus Rasahus, found in the southern USA.
CORSAIR, noun. A Californian market fish (Sebastichthys rosaceus).
Dictionary definition
CORSAIR, noun. A pirate along the Barbary Coast.
CORSAIR, noun. A swift pirate ship (often operating with official sanction).
Wise words
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be