Associations to the word «Cornwallis»
- Clive
- Petersburg
- Force
- Nelson
- Elk
- Wayne
- Manoeuvre
- Newport
- Planter
- Scalp
- Calvert
- Cavalry
- Bombay
- Stirling
- Arrival
- Lieu
- Archbishop
- Aide
- Jersey
- Convoy
- Engagement
- Negotiation
- Commander
- Sultan
- Davidson
- Squadron
- Raid
- Rendezvous
- Baronet
- Viceroy
- Lords
- Campaign
- Lexington
- Rear
- Eton
- Augusta
- Neville
- Leslie
- Coloni
- Brig
- Canning
- Tavern
- Devon
- Victory
- Opium
- Convict
- Stake
- Prisoner
- Steward
- Regiment
- Sir
- Peninsula
- Excellency
- Pounder
- Trap
- Revolution
- Marion
- Ferry
- Olivia
- Guards
- Parry
- Jefferson
CORNWALLIS, proper noun. A surname.
Dictionary definition
CORNWALLIS, noun. Commander of the British forces in the American War of Independence; was defeated by American and French troops at Yorktown (1738-1805).
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.