Associations to the word «Convoluted»


CONVOLUTED, adjective. Having numerous overlapping coils or folds.
CONVOLUTED, adjective. Complex, intricate or complicated.

Dictionary definition

CONVOLUTED, adjective. Rolled longitudinally upon itself; "a convolute petal".
CONVOLUTED, adjective. Highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering"; "Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir Walter Scott; "tortuous legal procedures"; "tortuous negotiations lasting for months".

Wise words

A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.
Turkish Proverb