Associations to the word «Complicated»
- Simpler
- Overly
- Calculation
- Vast
- Situation
- Machinery
- Pneumonia
- Consuming
- Simple
- Manoeuvre
- Intrigue
- Tangle
- Integral
- Maneuver
- Relationship
- Complexity
- Labyrinth
- Maze
- Diagnosis
- Simplicity
- Procedure
- Manifold
- Equation
- Ulcer
- Hemorrhage
- Computation
- Approximation
- Complication
- Matrice
- Tracing
- Requiring
- Perturbation
- Regimen
- Diagram
- Knot
- Geometry
- Mechanism
- Puzzle
- Fracture
- Multiplication
- Apparatus
- Pattern
- Diffraction
- Pregnancy
- Setup
- Scenario
- Relativity
- Syntax
- Variable
COMPLICATED, adjective. Difficult or convoluted.
COMPLICATED, adjective. (biology) Folded longitudinally (as in the wings of certain insects).
COMPLICATED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of complicate
Dictionary definition
COMPLICATED, adjective. Difficult to analyze or understand; "a complicated problem"; "complicated Middle East politics".
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.