Associations to the word «Contagion»


CONTAGION, noun. A disease spread by contact
CONTAGION, noun. The spread or transmission of such a disease
CONTAGION, noun. The spread of anything harmful, as if it were such a disease
CONTAGION, noun. (finance) A situation in which small shocks, which initially affect only a few financial institutions or a particular region of an economy, spread to the rest of financial sectors and other countries whose economies were previously healthy.
CONTAGION, noun. (finance) A resulting recession or crisis developed in such manner.

Dictionary definition

CONTAGION, noun. Any disease easily transmitted by contact.
CONTAGION, noun. An incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted.
CONTAGION, noun. The communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people; "a contagion of mirth"; "the infection of his enthusiasm for poetry".

Wise words

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Blaise Pascal