Associations to the word «Congestion»
- Flu
- Capacity
- Vein
- Bridge
- Detour
- Reduction
- Bowel
- Node
- Terminal
- Chill
- Kidney
- Redevelopment
- Wireless
- Artery
- Remedy
- Increase
- Viaduct
- Mechanism
- Problem
- Closure
- Indication
- Upgrade
- Networking
- Anemia
- Jakarta
- Influenza
- Fairness
- Priority
- Proposal
- Implement
- Proc
- Median
- Fatigue
- Waverley
- Keyword
- Exit
- Cope
- Cars
- Boulevard
- Shortage
- Nose
- Flushing
- Bicycle
- Jam
- Spray
- Costing
- Implementation
- Eyelid
- Throat
- Cycling
- Backbone
- Redundancy
- Pollutant
- Relief
- Onset
- Fee
- Hump
- Concourse
- Staten
CONGESTION, noun. The act of gathering into a heap or mass; accumulation.
CONGESTION, noun. An excess of traffic.
CONGESTION, noun. (medicine) Overfullness of the capillary and other blood vessels, etc., in any locality or organ (often producing other morbid symptoms); local hypermic, active or passive; as, arterial congestion; venous congestion; congestion of the lungs.
CONGESTION, noun. (medicine) An excess of mucus or fluid in the respiratory system; congestion of the lungs, or nasal congestion.
Dictionary definition
CONGESTION, noun. Excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part.
CONGESTION, noun. Excessive crowding; "traffic congestion".
Wise words
Words derive their power from the original word.