Associations to the word «Compass»
- Needle
- Breadth
- Gps
- Bearing
- Behest
- Desolation
- Mariner
- Magnetism
- Octave
- Quadrant
- Navigation
- Steer
- En
- Surveying
- Polygon
- Destruction
- Deg
- Bahamas
- Gunpowder
- Deviation
- Broad
- Navigator
- Sorrow
- Pullman
- Magnet
- Jeep
- Dial
- Thermometer
- Peril
- Rudder
- Reckoning
- Pivot
- Circumference
- Binocular
- Latitude
- Ditch
- Heading
- Greene
- Nassau
- Steering
- Longitude
- Variation
- Galileo
- Strait
- Direction
- Pavement
- Finder
- Lyra
- Him
- Ruin
- Canteen
- Hatred
- Surveyor
- Devise
- Measuring
- Flinder
- Meridian
- Dip
- Indicator
- Render
- Historiography
- Sighting
- Invention
- Catering
- Patience
- Drafting
- Instrument
- Map
- Silva
- Impossibility
- Golden
Pictures for the word «Compass»
COMPASS, noun. A magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions (usually magnetic or true north).
COMPASS, noun. A pair of compasses (a device used to draw an arc or circle).
COMPASS, noun. (music) The range of notes of a musical instrument or voice.
COMPASS, noun. (obsolete) A space within limits; area.
COMPASS, noun. (obsolete) An enclosing limit; boundary; circumference.
COMPASS, noun. Moderate bounds, limits of truth; moderation; due limits; used with within.
COMPASS, noun. Scope.
COMPASS, noun. (obsolete) A passing round; circuit; circuitous course.
COMPASS, verb. To surround; to encircle; to environ; to stretch round.
COMPASS, verb. To go about or round entirely; to traverse.
COMPASS, verb. (dated) To accomplish; to reach; to achieve; to obtain.
COMPASS, verb. (dated) To plot; to scheme (against someone).
COMPASS, adverb. (obsolete) In a circuit; round about.
COMPASS CARD, noun. The circular card attached to the needles of a mariner's compass, on which are marked the thirty-two points or rhumbs.
COMPASS DEFLECTION, noun. The difference, expressed in degrees, between the direction a magnetic compass needle points and true or astronomical north; magnetic declination.
COMPASS DEFLECTION, noun. Differences, expressed in degrees, between magnetic north directions and the direction a magnetic compass points, owing to local magnetic interferences; magnetic deviation.
COMPASS DIAL, noun. A small pocket compass fitted with a sundial to tell the hour of the day.
COMPASS ERROR, noun. The combination of variation and deviation which is the horizontal angle between the direction indicated by a magnetic compass and true north
COMPASS ERRORS, noun. Plural of compass error
COMPASS NEEDLE, noun. A magnetized pointer (usually marked on the North end) within a compass, free to align itself with the Earth's magnetic field.
COMPASS NEEDLES, noun. Plural of compass needle
COMPASS PLANE, noun. (carpentry) A plane, convex in the direction of its length on the underside, for smoothing the concave faces of curved woodwork.
COMPASS PLANT, noun. Any of several plants, the leaves of which become oriented to the morning sun:
COMPASS PLANT, noun. Lactuca serriola, native to Europe, widely introduced to temperate regions.
COMPASS PLANT, noun. Silphium laciniatum, native to eastern North America.
COMPASS PLANT, noun. Wyethia angustifolia, California compass plant, native to western North America.
COMPASS PLANTS, noun. Plural of compass plant
COMPASS POINT, noun. Any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass. There may be 4, 8, 16 or 32 compass points on a compass, depending on its size and accuracy.
COMPASS POINTS, noun. Plural of compass point
COMPASS ROSE, noun. (navigation) A graduated circle, usually marked in degrees, indicating directions and printed or inscribed on an appropriate medium.
COMPASS ROSES, noun. Plural of compass rose
COMPASS SWING, noun. (nautical) The process of swinging and compensating a ship or aircraft compass by determining and reducing the deviation coefficients and recording the residual deviations; now done by computer.
COMPASS TERMITE, noun. Magnetic termite
COMPASS WINDOW, noun. (architecture) bow window
Dictionary definition
COMPASS, noun. Navigational instrument for finding directions.
COMPASS, noun. An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet"; "a piano has a greater range than the human voice"; "the ambit of municipal legislation"; "within the compass of this article"; "within the scope of an investigation"; "outside the reach of the law"; "in the political orbit of a world power".
COMPASS, noun. The limit of capability; "within the compass of education".
COMPASS, noun. Drafting instrument used for drawing circles.
COMPASS, verb. Bring about; accomplish; "This writer attempts more than his talents can compass".
COMPASS, verb. Travel around, either by plane or ship; "We compassed the earth".
COMPASS, verb. Get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?".
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.