Associations to the word «Clink»


CLINK, noun. (onomatopoeia) The sound of metal on metal, or glass on glass.
CLINK, verb. To make a clinking sound; to make a sound of metal on metal or glass on glass; to strike materials such as metal or glass against one another.
CLINK, verb. (humorous) (dated) To rhyme.
CLINK, noun. (slang) Jail or prison, after the Clink prison in Southwark, London. Used in the phrase in the clink.
CLINK, noun. Stress cracks produced in metal ingots as they cool after being cast.

Dictionary definition

CLINK, noun. A short light metallic sound.
CLINK, noun. A correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence).
CLINK, verb. Make a high sound typical of glass; "champagne glasses clinked to make a toast".
CLINK, verb. Make or emit a high sound; "tinkling bells".

Wise words

One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and in fewer words than prose.