Associations to the word «Clarence»
- Bedford
- Bobby
- Richmond
- Victor
- Eddy
- Wales
- Connor
- Fleetwood
- Rutherford
- Treason
- Addison
- Armstrong
- Twentieth
- Clifford
- Horton
- Heiress
- Hays
- Fat
- Morris
- Veronica
- Lulu
- Landau
- Gibbs
- Clark
- Akron
- Weston
- Dartmouth
- Thunderbird
- Highness
- Kennedy
- George
- Grady
- Cochran
- Russell
- Pullman
- Benny
- Raoul
- Fullback
- Amelia
- Lewis
- Wilfred
- Rusty
- Andrews
- Vagabond
- Augustus
- Eastman
- Eddie
- Willis
- Wright
- Kum
- Lenny
- Roscoe
- Alfred
- Grandson
- Buster
- Fitzroy
- Leon
- Watkins
- Bassett
- Lange
- Elliott
- Guitarist
- Pts
- Richard
- Maroon
- Wallace
- Roberts
- Fiddler
- Harlem
- Heir
- Greenwood
- Roy
- Chet
- Magpie
- Calais
- Photographer
- Copeland
- Mae
- Wendell
- Belinda
- Ulster
- William
- Fran
- Harmon
- Cannon
- Twain
- Kern
- Bert
- Butt
- Howe
- Lawyer
- Port
- Reginald
- Powell
- Def
- Coleman
CLARENCE, noun. A kind of carriage popular in the 19th century; a four-wheeled horse-driven vehicle with a glass front and room for four passengers.
CLARENCE, proper noun. A ducal title which has been traditionally awarded to junior members of the English and British royal families
CLARENCE, proper noun. An English surname.
CLARENCE, proper noun. A male given name.
CLARENCE, proper noun. A placename given to towns in countries settled by the British.
CLARENCE, proper noun. A name given to several rivers, including one in France and others in countries settled by the British.
CLARENCE HOUSE, proper noun. A royal home in London, now the official residence of Prince Charles.
CLARENCE HOUSE, proper noun. (by extension) the office of Prince Charles.
Dictionary definition
CLARENCE, noun. A closed carriage with four wheels and seats for four passengers.
Wise words
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.