Associations to the word «Buster»


BUSTER, noun. (chiefly colloquial) (with 'of') Someone who or something that bursts, breaks, or destroys a specified thing.
BUSTER, noun. (chiefly military slang) Forming compounds denoting a team, weapon, or device specialized in the destruction of the first element.
BUSTER, noun. (chiefly colloquial) (with 'of') Someone who or something that 'breaks', tames, or overpowers a specified person or thing.
BUSTER, noun. (US) (in particular) (dated) (slang) A broncobuster.
BUSTER, noun. (chiefly law enforcement slang) Forming compounds denoting an agent or agency tasked with reducing or eliminating the first element.
BUSTER, noun. (dated) (slang) Someone or something remarkable, especially for being loud, large, etc..
BUSTER, noun. (colloquial) (variously expressing familiarity, admiration, or hostility) A form of address, particularly of men: guy, dude, fella, mack, buddy, loser. (Originally as 'old buster'.)
BUSTER, noun. (obsolete) (slang) A loaf of bread.
BUSTER, noun. (obsolete) (slang) A drinking spree, a binge.
BUSTER, noun. (dated) (slang) A gale, a strong wind; (especially Australian) a southerly buster.
BUSTER, noun. (Australian and New Zealand) A heavy fall; (also performing arts) a staged fall, a pratfall.
BUSTER, noun. (US) (regional) A molting crab.
BUSTER, proper noun. A surname​.
BUSTER, proper noun. A male given name.
BUSTER, proper noun. A male nickname.
BUSTER, noun. (colloquial) (variously expressing familiarity, admiration, or hostility) A specific instance of buster: a guy, dude, fella, mack, buddy, loser.
BUSTER BROWN SUIT, noun. A belted, double-breasted tunic or jacket worn with a large round collar, floppy bow, and shorts or knickerbockers, popular for young boys in the United States in the early 20th century.
BUSTER BROWN SUITS, noun. Plural of Buster Brown suit
BUSTER COLLAR, noun. Synonym of Elizabethan collar. (protective device worn by an animal)
BUSTER COLLARS, noun. Plural of buster collar

Dictionary definition

BUSTER, noun. An informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?".
BUSTER, noun. A robust child.
BUSTER, noun. A person who breaks horses.
BUSTER, noun. A person (or thing) that breaks up or overpowers something; "dam buster"; "sanction buster"; "crime buster".
BUSTER, noun. A person born in the generation following the baby boom when the birth rate fell dramatically.

Wise words

It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few.