Associations to the word «Churn»


CHURN, verb. (transitive) To agitate rapidly and repetitively, or to stir with a rowing or rocking motion; generally applies to liquids, notably cream.
CHURN, verb. (transitive) (figuratively) To produce excessive and sometimes undesirable or unproductive activity or motion.
CHURN, verb. (intransitive) To move rapidly and repetitively with a rocking motion; to tumble, mix or shake.
CHURN, noun. A vessel used for churning.
CHURN, noun. (telecommunications) The time when a consumer switches his/her service provider.
CHURN, noun. (telecommunications) The mass of people who are ready to switch carriers, expressed by the formula Customer Quits/Customer base.
CHURN OUT, verb. (transitive) (informal) To produce a large quantity of (something) rapidly and easily.

Dictionary definition

CHURN, noun. A vessel in which cream is agitated to separate butterfat from buttermilk.
CHURN, verb. Stir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter.
CHURN, verb. Be agitated; "the sea was churning in the storm".

Wise words

Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had this power.
Amy Tan