Associations to the word «Charlemagne»
- Saxon
- Aquitaine
- Aix
- Pyrenees
- Roland
- Papacy
- Coronation
- Christendom
- Slav
- Lombardy
- Zaragoza
- Grenadier
- Vassal
- Emperor
- Pagan
- Fief
- Saxony
- Empire
- Palatine
- Byzantium
- Ravenna
- Constantine
- Pope
- Leo
- Metz
- Bertha
- Reign
- Boniface
- Biographer
- Justinian
- Byzantine
- Toulouse
- Caliph
- Relic
- Adrian
- Chivalry
- Epic
- Bavaria
- Abbot
- Orlando
- Burgundy
- Gaul
- Vita
- Conquest
- Constantinople
- Basilica
- Romance
- Bordeaux
- Kingship
- Moor
- Tours
- Grandson
- Crusade
- Emir
- Dane
- Duchy
- Annal
- Chronicler
- Abbess
- Benedictine
- Successor
- Abbey
- Realm
- Palestine
- Pisum
- Marches
- Roi
- Conqueror
- Incursion
- Emissary
- Louis
- Bishopric
- Frank
- Provence
- Roman
- Appellation
- Chant
CHARLEMAGNE, proper noun. One of the kings of the Franks from 768 to 814, crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800 until his death in 814.
Dictionary definition
CHARLEMAGNE, noun. King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814).
Wise words
The chief difference between words and deeds is that words
are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds
can be done only for God.