Associations to the word «Canuck»


CANUCK, noun. (Canada) (informal) A Canadian.
CANUCK, noun. (chiefly US slang) (often derogatory) A Canadian, especially a French Canadian.
CANUCK, noun. The French-Canadian dialect.
CANUCK, noun. (rare) A thing from Canada.
CANUCK, noun. (US) (obsolete) A Canadian pony or horse.
CANUCK, noun. (ice hockey) A member of the Vancouver Canucks professional NHL ice hockey team.
CANUCK, noun. The Avro Canada CF-100 fighter-interceptor.
CANUCK, adjective. (informal) (occasionally construed as derogatory) Canadian.

Dictionary definition

CANUCK, noun. Informal term for Canadians in general and French Canadians in particular.

Wise words

A wise man hears one word and understands two.
Yiddish Proverb