Associations to the word «Café»

Pictures for the word «Café»


CAFÉ, noun. A coffee shop; an establishment selling coffee and sometimes other non-alcoholic beverages, simple meals or snacks, with a facility to consume them on the premises.
CAFÉ, noun. A French pub.
CAFE, noun. Alternative form of café
CAFE, noun. (South Africa) A convenience store, originally one that sold coffee and similar basic items.
CAFE, noun. (automotive) Initialism of Corporate Average Fuel Economy.
CAFÉ AU LAIT, noun. A mixture of coffee and hot milk.
CAFÉ AU LAIT, noun. Coffee and hot milk served in separate jugs as a breakfast drink
CAFÉ AU LAIT, noun. A light coffee colour
CAFE CURTAINS, noun. A style of curtain, where both the lower half of a window and the top are covered, but leaving a gap in the upper half.
CAFÉ DE PARIS SAUCE, noun. A complex butter-based sauce served with grilled beef.
CAFÉ LIÉGOIS, noun. A cold dessert made from lightly sweetened coffee, coffee flavour ice cream and chantilly cream
CAFÉ NOISETTE, noun. An espresso with a little bit of hot milk. It has a nutty taste. The hot milk is either poured in by the barista before serving, or served in a small pot so the drinker can pour it himself/herself.
CAFÉ SOCIETY, noun. Especially from the late-19th century through the mid-20th century in Europe and America, a culture characterized by continual socializing in bistros, coffee shops, and nightclubs, sometimes extravagantly frivolous and sometimes intensely intellectual in nature but always high-spirited.
CAFE SOCIETY, noun. Alternative form of café society

Dictionary definition

CAFE, noun. A small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold.

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