Associations to the word «Cadre»
- Bihar
- Party
- Saigon
- Activist
- Barracks
- Bureaucracy
- Gujarat
- Cambodia
- Tactic
- Controlling
- Warfare
- Seniority
- Gao
- Propaganda
- Dope
- Combat
- Hussar
- Sioux
- Professional
- Policeman
- Vc
- Kerala
- Maharashtra
- Overthrow
- Hu
- Vietnam
- Vanguard
- Technician
- Eugen
- Hq
- Searchlight
- Rhodesia
- Dk
- Supervision
- Yunnan
- Military
- Faction
- Villager
- Combatant
- Trainer
- Technical
- Legion
- Regime
- Guards
- Nationalist
- Liberator
- Revolutionary
- Massacre
- Bourgeois
- Deployment
- Janata
- Mk
- Lal
- Corruption
- Durban
- Jammu
- Masse
- Directive
- Organisation
CADRE, noun. A frame or framework.
CADRE, noun. (military) The framework or skeleton upon which a new regiment is to be formed; the officers of a regiment forming the staff.
CADRE, noun. (chiefly in communism) The core of a managing group, or a member of such a group.
CADRE, noun. A small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession
Dictionary definition
CADRE, noun. A small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement.
CADRE, noun. A nucleus of military personnel capable of expansion.
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