Associations to the word «Brink»
- Precipice
- Extinction
- Chasm
- Abyss
- Bankruptcy
- Starvation
- Robbery
- Insanity
- Collapse
- Annihilation
- Ravine
- Eternity
- Den
- Hysteria
- Plunge
- Grave
- Bernhard
- Crumbling
- Madness
- Cataract
- Elimination
- Ruin
- Disaster
- Anarchy
- Cliff
- Ledge
- Despair
- Chimpanzee
- Destruction
- Trembling
- Apartheid
- Bring
- Plunging
- Fissure
- Eisenhower
- Brim
- Verge
- Diplomacy
- Exhaustion
- Robbins
- Tremble
- Lindsey
- Crag
- Andre
- Famine
- Push
- Unicef
- Relegation
- Parapet
- Apocalypse
- Crevice
- Tko
- Marge
- Thicket
- Keefe
- Gorge
- Tumbling
- Gully
- Ditch
- Sanity
- Oblivion
- Dissolution
- Torrent
- Slime
- Pit
- Calamity
- Abandonment
- Stoppage
- Desolation
- Arroyo
- Crisis
- Carol
- Peril
- Eden
BRINK, noun. The edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge, as of a river or pit; a verge; a border; as, the brink of a chasm. Also used figuratively.
Dictionary definition
BRINK, noun. A region marking a boundary.
BRINK, noun. The edge of a steep place.
BRINK, noun. The limit beyond which something happens or changes; "on the verge of tears"; "on the brink of bankruptcy".
Wise words
The chief difference between words and deeds is that words
are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds
can be done only for God.