Associations to the word «Ballot»
- Abolition
- Paperwork
- Player
- Colbert
- Buchanan
- Campaign
- Carter
- Quota
- Maxwell
- Barr
- Star
- Landslide
- Won
- Booth
- Pitcher
- Option
- Proponent
- Roster
- Discrepancy
- Supervisor
- Requiring
- Secret
- Audit
- Reform
- Envelope
- Delegation
- Senate
- Bargaining
- Allegation
- Threshold
- Vice
- Bullet
- Count
- Background
- Manhood
- Representative
- Chad
- Injunction
- Contest
- Placing
- Winner
- Sponsor
- Davis
- Abbott
- Garage
- Favor
- Width
- Strike
- Cobb
- Burnham
- Burr
- Dewey
- Seat
- Justin
- Nixon
- Procedure
- Ruling
- Registrar
- Partisan
- Citizen
- Prohibition
- Colorado
- Whig
- Governor
- Appearing
- Democracy
- Attendee
BALLOT, noun. A paper or card used to cast a vote.
BALLOT, noun. The process of voting, especially in secret.
BALLOT, noun. (chiefly US) A list of candidates running for office; a ticket.
BALLOT, noun. The total of all votes cast in an election.
BALLOT, verb. To vote or decide by ballot.
BALLOT, verb. To draw lots.
BALLOT BOX, noun. A sealed box with a slit, into which a voter puts his completed voting slip.
BALLOT BOX, noun. The process or method of voting.
BALLOT BOXES, noun. Plural of ballot box
BALLOT PAPER, noun. A voting form, the paper upon which a vote is cast during a ballot
BALLOT PAPERS, noun. Plural of ballot paper
Dictionary definition
BALLOT, noun. A document listing the alternatives that is used in voting.
BALLOT, noun. A choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative; "there were only 17 votes in favor of the motion"; "they allowed just one vote per person".
BALLOT, verb. Vote by ballot; "The voters were balloting in this state".
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