Associations to the word «Bailey»


BAILEY, noun. The outer wall of a feudal castle.
BAILEY, noun. The space immediately within the outer wall of a castle or fortress.
BAILEY, noun. A prison or court of justice; -- used in certain proper names; as, the Old Bailey in London; the New Bailey in Manchester.
BAILEY, proper noun. An occupational surname​ for a steward or official.
BAILEY, proper noun. A topographic surname from someone who lived by a bailey (the outer wall of a castle).
BAILEY, proper noun. A male given name derived from the surname.
BAILEY, proper noun. (chiefly US) A female given name.
BAILEY, noun. An apple cultivar from New York
BAILEY BRIDGE, noun. A portable pre-fabricated truss bridge, designed for use by military engineering units.
BAILEY BRIDGES, noun. Plural of Bailey bridge

Dictionary definition

BAILEY, noun. United States singer (1918-1990).
BAILEY, noun. English lexicographer who was the first to treat etymology consistently; his work was used as a reference by Samuel Johnson (died in 1742).
BAILEY, noun. The outer courtyard of a castle.
BAILEY, noun. The outer defensive wall that surrounds the outer courtyard of a castle.

Wise words

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu