Associations to the word «Babs»
- Aleppo
- Aden
- Kerman
- Wad
- Algiers
- Tunis
- Tripoli
- Strait
- Yemen
- Mirza
- Damascus
- Hara
- Suez
- El
- Ballad
- Cairo
- Gate
- Ul
- Al
- Harriet
- Mosque
- Tunisia
- Imam
- Ruth
- Medina
- Muhammad
- Emir
- Baghdad
- Baba
- Bahrain
- Wadi
- Ras
- Haifa
- Betty
- Allah
- Martyrdom
- Porte
- Mus
- Mecca
- Sheikh
- Gateway
- Thurston
- Ali
- Mausoleum
- Babylon
- Arabic
- Dillon
- Pasha
- Syria
- Gilbert
- Az
- Dar
- Ahmad
- Burglar
- Mohammed
- Sancho
- Citadel
- Din
- Marjorie
- Sunni
- Abu
- Algeria
- Neighbourhood
- Proctor
- Sims
- Tomas
- Celia
- Hamid
- Rebel
- Gulf
- Christensen
- Tiny
- Checkpoint
- Disciple
- Clash
- Islamic
- Arabia
- Follower
- Abba
- Beirut
- Shrine
- Libya
- Sinai
- Abd
- Bomb
- Etiquette
BAB, noun. (UK) (informal) Baby
BAB EL MANDEB, proper noun. A strait connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden
BAB EL-MANDEB, proper noun. Alternative form of Bab el Mandeb
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul