Associations to the word «Atheist»
- Debate
- Ideology
- Allegiance
- Harris
- Survey
- Question
- Advocacy
- Convert
- Strauss
- Myers
- Clergy
- Conviction
- Heretic
- Priest
- Unitarian
- Jesus
- Voltaire
- Christ
- Hindus
- View
- Manifesto
- Population
- Evolution
- Criticism
- Church
- Afterlife
- Nugent
- Rap
- Respondent
- Socrates
- Lutheran
- Pew
- Albania
- Worldview
- Feminism
- Homosexual
- Hegel
- Marlowe
- Propaganda
- Discrimination
- Superstition
- Deity
- Immortality
- Quaker
- Fallacy
- Hindu
- Disbelief
- Sect
- Hinduism
- Invocation
- Novi
- Naturalist
- Libertarian
- Divinity
- Jehovah
- Churchman
- Tolerance
- Sad
- Mcgrath
- Jihad
- Leaflet
- Cyril
- Praying
- Socialist
- Viewpoint
- Tragedy
- Fascist
- Stark
- Reject
- Dogma
ATHEIST, noun. (narrowly) A person who believes that no deities exist (especially, one who has no other religious belief).
ATHEIST, noun. (broadly) A person who rejects belief that any deities exist (whether or not that person believes that deities do not exist).
ATHEIST, noun. (loosely) A person who has no belief in any deities, such as a person who has no concept of deities.
ATHEIST, noun. (loosely) (uncommon) A person who does not believe in a particular deity (or any deity in a particular pantheon), notwithstanding that they may believe in another deity.
ATHEIST, adjective. Of or relating to atheists or atheism; atheistic.
Dictionary definition
ATHEIST, noun. Someone who denies the existence of god.
ATHEIST, adjective. Related to or characterized by or given to atheism; "atheist leanings".
Wise words
Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every