Associations to the word «Aloof»
ALOOF, adverb. At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance; apart; away.
ALOOF, adverb. Without sympathy; unfavorably.
ALOOF, adjective. Reserved and remote; either physically or emotionally distant; standoffish.
ALOOF, preposition. (obsolete) away from; clear of
Dictionary definition
ALOOF, adverb. In an aloof manner; "the local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough".
ALOOF, adjective. Remote in manner; "stood apart with aloof dignity"; "a distant smile"; "he was upstage with strangers".
Wise words
The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of because words
diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem
timeless when they are in your head to no more than living
size when they are brought out.