Associations to the word «Keeping»


KEEPING, noun. Conformity or harmony.
KEEPING, noun. Charge or care.
KEEPING, noun. Maintenance; support; provision; feed.
KEEPING, verb. Present participle of keep
KEEPING AN EYE OUT, verb. Present participle of keep an eye out
KEEPING ON, verb. Present participle of keep on
KEEPING ONE'S PECKER UP, verb. Present participle of keep one's pecker up
KEEPING ROOM, noun. (dated) (dialect) (UK) (US) (New England) A family sitting room.
KEEPING THE PEACE, verb. Present participle of keep the peace
KEEPING TO ONESELF, verb. Present participle of keep to oneself
KEEPING UP, verb. Present participle of keep up
KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES, verb. Present participle of keep up with the Joneses
KEEPING WICKET, verb. Present participle of keep wicket

Dictionary definition

KEEPING, noun. Conformity or harmony; "his behavior was not in keeping with the occasion".
KEEPING, noun. The responsibility of a guardian or keeper; "he left his car in my keeping".
KEEPING, noun. The act of retaining something.

Wise words

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
Noam Chomsky