Associations to the word «Adrenaline»
- Pumping
- Dopamine
- Rush
- Surge
- Neurotransmitter
- Jolt
- Hormone
- Serotonin
- Glee
- Gland
- Mob
- Blocker
- Audio
- Amine
- Tko
- Tyrosine
- Choke
- Secretion
- Heartbeat
- Adelaide
- Dustin
- Shelby
- Stimulation
- Insulin
- Ufc
- Steroid
- Exhaustion
- Agonist
- Arousal
- Glucose
- Vein
- Pounding
- Stress
- Mckinley
- Overdose
- Submission
- Injection
- Newell
- Fatigue
- Affliction
- Receptor
- Morphine
- Throbbing
- Amp
- Chekov
- Allergy
- Muscle
- Punch
- Vault
- Asphalt
- Nerve
- Avalanche
- Platelet
- Infusion
- Weariness
- Opioid
- Thrill
- Sue
- Contraction
- Artery
- Sulu
- Pump
- Ign
- Vial
- Rachel
- Gamer
ADRENALINE, noun. (hormone) An alternative name for epinephrine; the hormone and neurotransmitter.
ADRENALINE JUNKIE, noun. (idiomatic) One who is seemingly addicted to the sensation of exhilaration associated with risky behaviors or exciting situations, and who actively seeks such opportunities.
ADRENALINE JUNKIES, noun. Plural of adrenaline junkie
ADRENALINE RUSH, noun. A surge of strength and energy brought on by a dangerous situation, by, or as if by, adrenaline.
ADRENALINE RUSH, noun. (figuratively) An event or activity which causes such.
ADRENALINE RUSHES, noun. Plural of adrenaline rush
ADRENALINE SPORT, noun. Extreme sport
Dictionary definition
ADRENALINE, noun. A catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action.
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